Physiological serum (sodium chloride)    (DrugBank: Sodium chloride, Chloride)

20 diseases
288自己免疫性後天性凝固因子欠乏症[自己免疫性出血病XIII (~2017.3)]0

6. パーキンソン病 [臨床試験数:2,123,薬物数:2,046(DrugBank:324),標的遺伝子数:183,標的パスウェイ数:198
Searched query = "Parkinson disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 2,123 trial found

11. 重症筋無力症 [臨床試験数:226,薬物数:172(DrugBank:45),標的遺伝子数:43,標的パスウェイ数:118
Searched query = "Myasthenia", "MG"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 226 trial found

13. 多発性硬化症/視神経脊髄炎 [臨床試験数:3,050,薬物数:2,147(DrugBank:348),標的遺伝子数:244,標的パスウェイ数:228
Searched query = "Multiple sclerosis/Neuromyelitis optica", "Multiple sclerosis", "Neuromyelitis optica", "MS", "NMOSD", "Devic disease", "Balo concentric sclerosis", "Baló concentric sclerosis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 3,050 trial found

14. 慢性炎症性脱髄性多発神経炎/多巣性運動ニューロパチー [臨床試験数:145,薬物数:139(DrugBank:23),標的遺伝子数:12,標的パスウェイ数:21
Searched query = "Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy", "Chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly (radiculo) neuropathy", "Multifocal motor neuropathy", "CIDP"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 145 trial found

34. 神経線維腫症 [臨床試験数:120,薬物数:182(DrugBank:72),標的遺伝子数:84,標的パスウェイ数:194
Searched query = "Neurofibromatosis", "NF1", "von Recklinghausen disease", "NF2"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 120 trial found

46. 悪性関節リウマチ [臨床試験数:4,183,薬物数:2,538(DrugBank:401),標的遺伝子数:183,標的パスウェイ数:219
Searched query = "Malignant rheumatoid arthritis", "Rheumatoid arthritis", "Rheumatoid arthritis with vasculitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 4,183 trial found

50. 皮膚筋炎/多発性筋炎 [臨床試験数:157,薬物数:207(DrugBank:76),標的遺伝子数:47,標的パスウェイ数:142
Searched query = "Dermatomyositis", "Polymyositis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 157 trial found

51. 全身性強皮症 [臨床試験数:466,薬物数:536(DrugBank:142),標的遺伝子数:110,標的パスウェイ数:210
Searched query = "Scleroderma", "Systemic sclerosis", "SSc", "dcSSc", "lcSSc"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 466 trial found

53. シェーグレン症候群 [臨床試験数:234,薬物数:270(DrugBank:85),標的遺伝子数:49,標的パスウェイ数:174
Searched query = "Sjogren syndrome", "Sjögren syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 234 trial found

60. 再生不良性貧血 [臨床試験数:218,薬物数:362(DrugBank:81),標的遺伝子数:39,標的パスウェイ数:155
Searched query = "Aplastic anemia"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 218 trial found

65. 原発性免疫不全症候群 [臨床試験数:413,薬物数:581(DrugBank:97),標的遺伝子数:68,標的パスウェイ数:202
Searched query = "Primary immunodeficiency", "X-SCID", "Reticular dysgenesis", "Adenosine deaminase deficiency", "Omenn syndrome", "Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency", "CD8 deficiency", "ZAP-70 deficiency", "MHC class I deficiency", "MHC class II deficiency", "Combined immunodeficiency", "Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome", "Telangiectasia ataxia", "Nijmegen breakage syndrome", "Bloom syndrome", "Immunodeficiency, centromere region instability, facial anomalies syndrome", "ICF syndrome", "PMS2 deficiency", "Radiosensitivity, immunodeficiency, dysmorphic features, and learning difficulties syndrome", "RIDDLE syndrome", "Schimke syndrome", "Netherton syndrome", "Thymic hypoplasia", "DiGeorge syndrome", "22q11.2 deletion syndrome", "Hyper-IgE syndrome", "Hepatic venoocclusive immunodeficiency", "Immunodeficiency with central hepatic vein atresia", "Dyskeratosis congenita", "X-linked agammaglobulinaemia", "Common variable immunodeficiency", "Hyper-IgM syndrome", "Isolated IgG subclass deficiency", "Selective IgA deficiency", "Specific antibody production deficiency", "Infant transient hypogammaglobulinemia", "Chédiak-Higashi syndrome", "Chediak-Higashi syndrome", "X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome", "SAP deficiency", "SH2D1A/SLAM-associated protein deficiency", "XIAP deficiency", "X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis deficiency", "Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome", "ALPS", "Familial hemophagocytic syndrome", "Perforin deficiency", "Munc13-4 deficiency", "Syntaxin 11 deficiency", "Munc18-2 deficiency", "Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy", "APECED", "Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome", "IPEX syndrome", "CD25 deficiency", "ITCH deficiency", "Primary phagocytic dysfunction", "Severe congenital neutropenia", "Cyclic neutropenia", "Hermanskyi-Pudlak syndrome type 2", "Hermanskyi-Pudlak syndrome 2", "Griscelli syndrome type 2", "Griscelli syndrome 2", "p14 deficiency", "Warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, myelokathexis syndrome", "WHIM syndrome", "Glycogen storage disease type Ib", "Leukocyte adhesion deficiency", "Shwachman-Diamond syndrome", "Chronic granulomatous disease", "Myeloperoxidase deficiency", "Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease", "MSMD", "Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency", "EDA-ID", "Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase-4 deficiency", "IRAK4 deficiency", "IMyD88 deficiency", "Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis", "Epidermodysplasia verruciformis", "Herpes simplex encephalitis", "Caspase recruitment domain family member 9 deficiency", "CARD9 deficiency", "Trypanosomiasis", "Congenital complement deficiency", "C1q deficiency", "CC1r deficiency", "CC1s deficiency", "CC2 deficiency", "CC3 deficiency", "CC4 deficiency", "CC5 deficiency", "CC6 deficiency", "CC7 deficiency", "CC8 deficiency", "CC9 deficiency", "Factor D deficiency", "Properdin deficiency", "Factor I deficiency", "Factor H deficiency", "MASP1 deficiency", "3MC syndrome", "Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease 2 deficiency", "MASP2 deficiency", "FCN3", "Hereditary angioedema type 1", "Hereditary angioedema type I", "C1 inhibitor deficiency type 1", "C1 inhibitor deficiency type I", "Hereditary angioedema type 2", "Hereditary angioedema type II", "C1 inhibitor deficiency type 2", "C1 inhibitor deficiency type II", "Hereditary angioedema type 3", "Hereditary angioedema type III", "C1 inhibitor deficiency type 3", "C1 inhibitor deficiency type III"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 413 trial found

78. 下垂体前葉機能低下症 [臨床試験数:462,薬物数:346(DrugBank:45),標的遺伝子数:41,標的パスウェイ数:80
Searched query = "Hypopituitarism", "Anterior pituitary hypothyroidism", "Syndrome of abnormal secretion of gonadotropin", "Hyposecretion of gonadotropins", "Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency", "ACTH deficiency", "Thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency", "TSH deficiency", "Growth hormone deficiency", "GH deficiency", "GHD", "CGHD", "AGHD", "Prolactin deficiency", "PRL deficiency"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 462 trial found

96. クローン病 [臨床試験数:2,209,薬物数:1,276(DrugBank:240),標的遺伝子数:166,標的パスウェイ数:210
Searched query = "Crohn disease", "Terminal ileitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 2,209 trial found

168. エーラス・ダンロス症候群 [臨床試験数:7,薬物数:16(DrugBank:8),標的遺伝子数:9,標的パスウェイ数:54
Searched query = "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome", "EDS", "cEDS", "hEDS", "clEDS", "vEDS", "kEDS", "aEDS", "dEDS", "DDEDS"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 7 trial found

193. プラダー・ウィリ症候群 [臨床試験数:95,薬物数:104(DrugBank:27),標的遺伝子数:50,標的パスウェイ数:63
Searched query = "Prader-Willi syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: 03/15/2021. Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
1 / 95 trial found
June 200916/11/2009Comparative Study Between Prader-Willi Patients Who Take Oxytocin Versus PlaceboEvaluation of the Effect of the Oxytocin Administered in Nasal Pulverizing on the Social Skills, the Stress, the Anxiety and the Eating Habits at Grown-up Patients Presenting a Syndrome of Prader-Willi: Pilot StudyPrader Willi SyndromeDrug: Syntocinon®/- Spray;Drug: Physiological serum (Sodium chloride)University Hospital, ToulouseNULLCompleted18 YearsN/AAll24Phase 2France

227. オスラー病 [臨床試験数:49,薬物数:69(DrugBank:21),標的遺伝子数:23,標的パスウェイ数:132
Searched query = "Osler disease", "Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia", "Osler-Weber-Rendu disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 49 trial found

228. 閉塞性細気管支炎 [臨床試験数:92,薬物数:125(DrugBank:34),標的遺伝子数:33,標的パスウェイ数:152
Searched query = "Bronchiolitis obliterans", "Obliterating bronchiolitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 92 trial found

271. 強直性脊椎炎 [臨床試験数:531,薬物数:343(DrugBank:66),標的遺伝子数:41,標的パスウェイ数:141
Searched query = "Ankylosing spondylitis", "Spondylarthritis ankylopoietica"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 531 trial found

288. 自己免疫性後天性凝固因子欠乏症[自己免疫性出血病XIII (~2017.3)] [臨床試験数:189,薬物数:219(DrugBank:29),標的遺伝子数:18,標的パスウェイ数:26
Searched query = "Autoimmune acquired coagulation factor deficiency", "Coagulation factor deficiency", "Factor XIII deficiency", "Factor VIII deficiency", "Acquired hemophilia A", "von Willebrand Disease", "Factor V deficiency"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 189 trial found

299. 嚢胞性線維症 [臨床試験数:1,592,薬物数:1,539(DrugBank:255),標的遺伝子数:81,標的パスウェイ数:162
Searched query = "Cystic fibrosis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 1,592 trial found