6. パーキンソン病 Parkinson disease Clinical trials / Disease details
臨床試験数 : 2,307 / 薬物数 : 2,007 - (DrugBank : 349) / 標的遺伝子数 : 188 - 標的パスウェイ数 : 199
No. | TrialID | Date_ enrollment | Date_ registration | Public_title | Scientific_title | Condition | Intervention | Primary_ sponsor | Secondary_ sponsor | Recruitment_ Status | Inclusion_ agemin | Inclusion_ agemax | Inclusion_ gender | Target_ size | Phase | Countries |
1 | JPRN-jRCT2031210089 | 15/05/2021 | 13/05/2021 | A clinical study of KDT-3594 in Japanese patients with early Parkinson's disease. | A phase II clinical study of KDT-3594 in Japanese patients with early Parkinson's disease. | Parkinson's disease | Oral and titrated doses of KDT-3594 | Shimizu Yoshitaka | NULL | Complete | >= 20age old | < 80age old | Both | 6 | Phase 2 | Japan |
2 | NCT04867551 (ClinicalTrials.gov) | May 15, 2021 | 27/4/2021 | A Clinical Study of KDT-3594 in Japanese Patients With Early Parkinson's Disease | A Phase II Clinical Study of KDT-3594 in Japanese Patients With Early Parkinson's Disease | Parkinson Disease | Drug: KDT-3594 | Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. | NULL | Completed | 20 Years | 79 Years | All | 7 | Phase 2 | Japan |
3 | NCT03845387 (ClinicalTrials.gov) | February 26, 2019 | 15/2/2019 | A Clinical Study of KDT-3594 in Patients With Early Parkinson's Disease. | A Phase II Clinical Study of KDT-3594 in Patients With Early Parkinson's Disease. | Parkinson Disease | Drug: KDT-3594;Drug: Pramipexole | Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. | NULL | Completed | 20 Years | 79 Years | All | 74 | Phase 2 | Japan |
4 | NCT03068481 (ClinicalTrials.gov) | February 20, 2017 | 26/2/2017 | Clinical Study of KDT-3594 in Healthy Adult Males and Patients With Parkinson's Disease | A Phase I Clinical Study of KDT-3594 in Healthy Adult Males and Patients With Parkinson's Disease | Parkinson Disease | Drug: KDT-3594;Drug: Placebo | Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. | NULL | Completed | 20 Years | 74 Years | All | 36 | Phase 1 | Japan |