Drug(薬物リスト) DrugBank | All Description Patterns💬 Info on mouse-over

1 / 2,001 drug

No. DrugBank 薬物名(臨床試験情報から抽出) KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
1Pioglitazone6件: Actos (pioglitazone); Pioglitazone; Pioglitazone 15 mg; Pioglitazone and tretinoin; Pioglitazone or metformin; Tretinoin and pioglitazone hcl; 2件: D00945
D08378 💬
1件: PPARG 💬 9件: AMPK signaling pathway, Huntington disease, Longevity regulating pathway, Osteoclast differentiation, PPAR signaling pathway, Pathways in cancer, Thermogenesis, Thyroid cancer, Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 17件:  2 ,  6 , 13, 15, 20, 46, 49, 65, 67, 78, 81, 86, 96, 229, 265, 298, 299 💬