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13 / 17,542 descriptions

No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  6r-bh4  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [3] 86, 124, 240 💬 
 2  Antiplatelets  [1] 124 💬 
 3  Aricept  [4]  6 , 13, 78, 124 💬 
 4  Aricept 5*28 cpr 5 mg  [1] 124 💬 
 5  Bh4  [5] 51, 86, 124, 240, 299 💬 
 6  Dabigatran  Dabigatran  [1] D09707 💬  [1] F2 💬  [8] Complement and coagulation cascades, Coronavirus disease - COVID-19, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection, Pathways in cancer, Phospholipase D signaling pathway, Platelet activation, Regulation of actin cytoskeleton  [4] 51, 85, 91, 124 💬 
 7  Donepezil  Donepezil  [2] D00670, D07869 💬  [1] ACHE 💬  [2] Cholinergic synapse, Glycerophospholipid metabolism  [9]  5 ,  6 , 13, 46, 78, 124, 127, 156, 206 💬 
 8  Donepezil hydrochloride  Donepezil  [2] D00670, D07869 💬  [1] ACHE 💬  [2] Cholinergic synapse, Glycerophospholipid metabolism  [3]  6 , 124, 156 💬 
 9  E2020  [1] 124 💬 
 10  Fremanezumab  Fremanezumab  [1] D11055 💬  [1] CALCA 💬  [2] Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Vascular smooth muscle contraction  [2] 124, 226 💬 
 11  Hov-12020 (palm tocotrienols complex)  [1] 124 💬 
 12  Phenoptin  [2] 124, 240 💬 
 13  Sapropterin  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [3] 86, 124, 240 💬