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10 / 17,542 descriptions

No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  Cosyntropin  Tetracosactide  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [3] 83, 113, 145 💬 
 2  Cosyntropin acetate  Acetate  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [1] 113 💬 
 3  Cosyntropin injectable suspension 1 mg/ml + vigabatrin  Tetracosactide  [2] D00284, D00535 💬  [2] ABAT, MC2R 💬  [12] Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism, Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Butanoate metabolism, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, GABAergic synapse, Metabolic pathways, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Propanoate metabolism, Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation, beta-Alanine metabolism, cAMP signaling pathway  [1] 145 💬 
 4  Cosyntropin injectable suspension, 1 mg/ml  Tetracosactide  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [1] 145 💬 
 5  Depot tetracosactide  Tetracosactide  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [1] 83 💬 
 6  Diagnostic test: cosyntropin stimulation test  Tetracosactide  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [1] 83 💬 
 7  Tetracosactide  Tetracosactide  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [4] 83, 113, 145, 222 💬 
 8  Tetracosactide acetate  Acetate  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [2] 83, 145 💬 
 9  Tetracosactide hexaacetate  Tetracosactide  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [1] 113 💬 
 10  Tetracosactide hexacetaat  Tetracosactide  [1] D00284 💬  [1] MC2R 💬  [5] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway  [1] 222 💬