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24 / 17,542 descriptions

No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  [123i] ibvm and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 2  [123i] mzint injection and serial dynamic spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 3  [123i]b-cit spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 4  [123i]beta cit and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 5  [123i]beta-cit and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 6  [123i]ß cit and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 7  [123i]ß-cit and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 8  B-cit and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 9  Device: fluorescence endoscopy and spectroscopy  [1] 96 💬 
 10  Device: spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 11  Diagnostic test: phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy  Phosphorus  [1] 58 💬 
 12  Full spectrum vitamin  [1] 13 💬 
 13  Other: 31-phosphorus rmn spectroscopy  Phosphorus  [1]  8  💬 
 14  Procedure: [123i]beta-cit and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 15  Procedure: [123i]ß-cit and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 16  Procedure: datscan and spect imaging  [1]  6  💬 
 17  Procedure: spect imaging (180 minutes post-injection)  [1] 46 💬 
 18  Procedure: spect imaging (60 minutes post-injection)  [1] 46 💬 
 19  Procedure: whole body planar spect imaging (15 minutes post-injection)  [1] 46 💬 
 20  Procedure: whole body planar spect imaging (18-20 hours post-injection)  [1] 46 💬 
 21  Procedure: whole body planar spect imaging (180 minutes post-injection)  [1] 46 💬 
 22  Procedure: whole body planar spect imaging (60 minutes post-injection)  [1] 46 💬 
 23  Spect  [1]  6  💬 
 24  Spect : 123 i-fp-cit (datscan) and 123i-adam  [1]  2  💬 

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