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12 / 2,001 drugs

No. DrugBank Drug (Description in trials) KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  Baclofen [20] Aert, (r)-baclofen; Arbaclofen; Arbaclofen er tablets; Arbaclofen extended release tablets; Arbaclofen placarbil; Arbaclofen placarbil 15 mg bid; Arbaclofen placarbil 30 mg bid; Arbaclofen placarbil 45 mg bid; Baclofen; Baclofen 20 mg; Baclofen er capsules (grs) 10 mg; Baclofen er capsules (grs) 20 mg; Baclofen er capsules (grs) 30mg; Baclofen er capsules (grs) 40mg; Baclofen er capsules (grs) 50 mg; Baclofen ir; Baclofen tablets usp; Baclofen tablets usp 10 mg; Encapsulated baclofen 20 mg; Rs-baclofen;  [1] D00241 💬 [2] GABBR1, GABBR2 💬 [7] Estrogen signaling pathway, GABAergic synapse, GnRH secretion, Morphine addiction, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Taste transduction, cAMP signaling pathway  [5]  2 , 10, 13, 18, 149 💬
 2  Botulinum toxin type A [6] Botulinum toxin type a; Botulinum toxin type a (nabota®) injection into the gastrocnemius muscle; Botulinum toxin type a 200u; Botulinum toxin type a 300u; Botulinum toxin type a infiltrations; Clostridium botulinum toxin type a;  [1] D00783 💬 [1] SNAP25 💬 [2] Insulin secretion, Synaptic vesicle cycle  [13]  2 ,  5 ,  6 ,  7 , 13, 15, 17, 36, 51, 70, 113, 149, 226 💬
 3  Brivaracetam [3] Brivaracetam; Brivaracetam 25 mg; Brivaracetam 50 mg;  [1] D08879 💬 [1] SV2A 💬 [1] ECM-receptor interaction  [2] 149, 309 💬
 4  Edonerpic [1] Edonerpic;  -  -  [1] 149 💬
 5  Flunarizine [2] D01303
D07971 💬
[3] CACNA1G, CACNA1H, CACNA1I 💬 [8] Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Calcium signaling pathway, Circadian entrainment, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, GnRH secretion, MAPK signaling pathway, Type II diabetes mellitus  [4] 58, 86, 149, 215 💬
 6  gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid -  -  [2]  6 , 149 💬
 7  Isoxaflutole -  -  [9]  5 ,  6 , 13, 46, 81, 113, 122, 149, 299 💬
 8  Lacosamide [1] Lacosamide;  [1] D07299 💬 [2] SCN3A, SCN9A 💬 [1] Taste transduction  [3]  2 , 46, 149 💬
 9  Melatonin [11] 3 mg melatonin; 5 mg melatonin; Circadin ( inn= melatonin); Diazepam, melatonin; Dtr melatonin (nih cc pds); Hourly dosing of the nychtemeral secretion of melatonin; Melatonin; Melatonin cr; Melatonin pr; Melatonin(circadin®); Other: review of past medical history, clinical exam, and electroencephalogram, polysomnography and urine samples of melatonin and pupillometry.;  [1] D08170 💬 [2] MTNR1A, MTNR1B 💬 [2] Circadian entrainment, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction  [11]  6 ,  8 , 13, 46, 49, 90, 97, 144, 145, 149, 202 💬
 10  Padsevonil [1] Padsevonil;  [1] D11842 💬 [3] SV2A, SV2B, SV2C 💬 [1] ECM-receptor interaction  [1] 149 💬
 11  Sodium oxybate [1] Sodium oxybate;  [1] D05866 💬  -  [2]  6 , 149 💬
 12  Triheptanoin [5] Triheptanoin; Triheptanoin / triheptanoina; Triheptanoin 1g/kg/day; Triheptanoin oil; Triheptanoina;  [1] D11465 💬  -  [9]  2 ,  8 , 149, 156, 248, 256, 257, 317, 324 💬