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3 / 2,001 drugs

No. DrugBank Drug (Description in trials) KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  Doconexent -  -  [10]  6 , 46, 48, 49, 90, 94, 113, 240, 299, 301 💬
 2  Hydroxychloroquine [19] Hydroxychloroquine; Hydroxychloroquine (z0188); Hydroxychloroquine + prednisone; Hydroxychloroquine high; Hydroxychloroquine higher dose; Hydroxychloroquine lower dose; Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine; Hydroxychloroquine reduced; Hydroxychloroquine sulfate; Hydroxychloroquine sulphate; Leflunomide-sulfasalazine-hydroxychloroquine; Methotrexate + salazopyrine + hydroxychloroquine administration; Methotrexate-sulfasalazine-hydroxychloroquine; Other: hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine; Plaquenil - hydroxychloroquine 200mg film coated tablets; Sirolimus and hydroxychloroquine 200 mg; Sirolimus and hydroxychloroquine 400 mg; Sulphasalazine + hydroxychloroquine or prednisolone; Versus hydroxychloroquine;  [1] D08050 💬  -  [23] 13, 34, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 56, 66, 84, 89, 90, 96, 218, 222, 234, 254, 271, 298, 299 💬
 3  Icosapent [4] Eicosapentaenoic acid; Ethyl icosapent; Ethyl-icosapent; Icosapent;  [1] D08061 💬  -  [10]  8 , 46, 48, 49, 96, 97, 113, 296, 297, 301 💬