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1 / 2,001 drug

No. DrugBank Drug (Description in trials) KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  Maraviroc [2] All subjects will receive maraviroc 300mg orally twice a day for 6 weeks; Maraviroc;  [1] D06670 💬 [1] CCR5 💬 [9] Chemokine signaling pathway, Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, Endocytosis, Human cytomegalovirus infection, Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection, Toxoplasmosis, Viral carcinogenesis, Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor  [2] 46, 84 💬