Desmopressin acetate trihydrate    (DrugBank: Desmopressin, Acetate)

43 diseases
288自己免疫性後天性凝固因子欠乏症[自己免疫性出血病XIII (~2017.3)]0

1. 球脊髄性筋萎縮症 [臨床試験数:17,薬物数:16(DrugBank:8),標的遺伝子数:10,標的パスウェイ数:15
Searched query = "Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy", "Spinobulbar muscular atrophy", "SBMA", "Kennedy disease", "Kennedy-Alter-Sung syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 17 trial found

2. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症 [臨床試験数:508,薬物数:530(DrugBank:146),標的遺伝子数:170,標的パスウェイ数:221
Searched query = "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis", "ALS"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 508 trial found

6. パーキンソン病 [臨床試験数:2,123,薬物数:2,046(DrugBank:324),標的遺伝子数:183,標的パスウェイ数:198
Searched query = "Parkinson disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 2,123 trial found

10. シャルコー・マリー・トゥース病 [臨床試験数:31,薬物数:38(DrugBank:9),標的遺伝子数:11,標的パスウェイ数:14
Searched query = "Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease", "CMT"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 31 trial found

13. 多発性硬化症/視神経脊髄炎 [臨床試験数:3,050,薬物数:2,147(DrugBank:348),標的遺伝子数:244,標的パスウェイ数:228
Searched query = "Multiple sclerosis/Neuromyelitis optica", "Multiple sclerosis", "Neuromyelitis optica", "MS", "NMOSD", "Devic disease", "Balo concentric sclerosis", "Baló concentric sclerosis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 3,050 trial found

35. 天疱瘡 [臨床試験数:87,薬物数:114(DrugBank:37),標的遺伝子数:17,標的パスウェイ数:158
Searched query = "Pemphigus"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 87 trial found

40. 高安動脈炎 [臨床試験数:22,薬物数:46(DrugBank:20),標的遺伝子数:22,標的パスウェイ数:111
Searched query = "Takayasu arteritis", "Aortitis syndrome", "Pulseless disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 22 trial found

46. 悪性関節リウマチ [臨床試験数:4,183,薬物数:2,538(DrugBank:401),標的遺伝子数:183,標的パスウェイ数:219
Searched query = "Malignant rheumatoid arthritis", "Rheumatoid arthritis", "Rheumatoid arthritis with vasculitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 4,183 trial found

49. 全身性エリテマトーデス [臨床試験数:827,薬物数:638(DrugBank:168),標的遺伝子数:108,標的パスウェイ数:191
Searched query = "Systemic lupus erythematosus", "SLE"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 827 trial found

51. 全身性強皮症 [臨床試験数:466,薬物数:536(DrugBank:142),標的遺伝子数:110,標的パスウェイ数:210
Searched query = "Scleroderma", "Systemic sclerosis", "SSc", "dcSSc", "lcSSc"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 466 trial found

60. 再生不良性貧血 [臨床試験数:218,薬物数:362(DrugBank:81),標的遺伝子数:39,標的パスウェイ数:155
Searched query = "Aplastic anemia"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 218 trial found

64. 血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病 [臨床試験数:74,薬物数:76(DrugBank:19),標的遺伝子数:15,標的パスウェイ数:57
Searched query = "Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura", "TTP", "Upshaw-Schulman syndrome", "USS"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 74 trial found

67. 多発性嚢胞腎 [臨床試験数:186,薬物数:196(DrugBank:47),標的遺伝子数:35,標的パスウェイ数:146
Searched query = "Polycystic kidney disease", "PKD", "PCKD", "Polycystic kidney", "ADPKD", "ARPKD"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 186 trial found

70. 広範脊柱管狭窄症 [臨床試験数:91,薬物数:195(DrugBank:54),標的遺伝子数:60,標的パスウェイ数:85
Searched query = "Spinal stenosis", "Extensive spinal canal stenosis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 91 trial found

71. 特発性大腿骨頭壊死症 [臨床試験数:3,薬物数:5(DrugBank:4),標的遺伝子数:4,標的パスウェイ数:10
Searched query = "Idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head", "Idiopathic femoral head necrosis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 3 trial found

73. 下垂体性TSH分泌亢進症 [臨床試験数:1,薬物数:3(DrugBank:2),標的遺伝子数:0,標的パスウェイ数:0]
Searched query = "TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma", "Pituitary TSH secretion hyperthyroidism"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 1 trial found

75. クッシング病 [臨床試験数:191,薬物数:172(DrugBank:48),標的遺伝子数:61,標的パスウェイ数:121
Searched query = "Cushing disease", "Cushing"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 191 trial found

76. 下垂体性ゴナドトロピン分泌亢進症 [臨床試験数:25,薬物数:41(DrugBank:11),標的遺伝子数:3,標的パスウェイ数:10
Searched query = "Pituitary gonadotropin secretion hyperthyroidism", "Gonadotropin secreting pituitary adenoma", "Central precocious puberty", "Gonadotropin producing pituitary adenoma"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 25 trial found

78. 下垂体前葉機能低下症 [臨床試験数:462,薬物数:346(DrugBank:45),標的遺伝子数:41,標的パスウェイ数:80
Searched query = "Hypopituitarism", "Anterior pituitary hypothyroidism", "Syndrome of abnormal secretion of gonadotropin", "Hyposecretion of gonadotropins", "Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency", "ACTH deficiency", "Thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency", "TSH deficiency", "Growth hormone deficiency", "GH deficiency", "GHD", "CGHD", "AGHD", "Prolactin deficiency", "PRL deficiency"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 462 trial found

79. 家族性高コレステロール血症(ホモ接合体) [臨床試験数:128,薬物数:105(DrugBank:29),標的遺伝子数:8,標的パスウェイ数:15
Searched query = "Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 128 trial found

81. 先天性副腎皮質酵素欠損症 [臨床試験数:65,薬物数:77(DrugBank:20),標的遺伝子数:11,標的パスウェイ数:65
Searched query = "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia", "Congenital adrenal enzyme deficiency", "Congenial adrenal cortex enzyme deficiency", "Congenital Lipoid Adrenal Hyperplasia", "3β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency", "21-Hydroxylase deficiency", "11β-Hydroxylase deficiency", "17α-Hydroxylase deficiency", "P450 oxidoreductase deficiency", "Aldosterone synthase deficiency"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 65 trial found

83. アジソン病 [臨床試験数:20,薬物数:42(DrugBank:13),標的遺伝子数:6,標的パスウェイ数:17
Searched query = "Addison disease", "Primary chronic adrenocortical insufficiency", "Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome", "Hypoparathyroidism-Addison-Monilia syndrome", "HAM syndrome", "Schmidt syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 20 trial found

85. 特発性間質性肺炎 [臨床試験数:514,薬物数:377(DrugBank:108),標的遺伝子数:97,標的パスウェイ数:204
Searched query = "Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia", "IIPs", "Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis", "IPF", "Usual interstitial pneumonia", "UIP", "Non-specific interstitial pneumonia", "NSIP", "Acute interstitial pneumonia", "AIP", "Diffuse alveolar damage", "DAD", "COP", "Organizing pneumonia", "OP", "Desquamative interstitial pneumonia", "DIP", "Respiratory bronchiolitis - associated interstitial lung disease", "RB-ILD", "Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia", "LIP"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 514 trial found

86. 肺動脈性肺高血圧症 [臨床試験数:1,083,薬物数:667(DrugBank:122),標的遺伝子数:98,標的パスウェイ数:185
Searched query = "Pulmonary arterial hypertension", "PAH", "IPAH", "HPAH", "Eisenmenger syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 1,083 trial found

88. 慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症 [臨床試験数:145,薬物数:112(DrugBank:22),標的遺伝子数:13,標的パスウェイ数:52
Searched query = "Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension", "CTEPH", "Idiopathic chronic pulmonary thromboembolism"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 145 trial found

90. 網膜色素変性症 [臨床試験数:103,薬物数:158(DrugBank:42),標的遺伝子数:52,標的パスウェイ数:107
Searched query = "Retinitis pigmentosa", "Rod dystrophy", "Rod-Cone Dystrophy"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 103 trial found

96. クローン病 [臨床試験数:2,209,薬物数:1,276(DrugBank:240),標的遺伝子数:166,標的パスウェイ数:210
Searched query = "Crohn disease", "Terminal ileitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 2,209 trial found

97. 潰瘍性大腸炎 [臨床試験数:2,269,薬物数:1,331(DrugBank:241),標的遺伝子数:114,標的パスウェイ数:181
Searched query = "Ulcerative colitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 2,269 trial found

113. 筋ジストロフィー [臨床試験数:567,薬物数:442(DrugBank:93),標的遺伝子数:55,標的パスウェイ数:151
Searched query = "Muscular dystrophy", "Dystrophinopathies", "Myotilinopathy", "Laminopathy", "Caveolinopathy", "LGMD1C", "Desminopathy", "Sarcoglycanopathy", "α-dystroglycanopathy", "FCMD", "Walker-Warburg syndrome", "Muscle-eye-brain disease", "Myotonic dystrophy", "Integrin α7 deficient CMD", "Rigid spine syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 567 trial found

145. ウエスト症候群 [臨床試験数:39,薬物数:50(DrugBank:13),標的遺伝子数:27,標的パスウェイ数:24
Searched query = "West syndrome", "Infantile spasm"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 39 trial found

156. レット症候群 [臨床試験数:36,薬物数:49(DrugBank:19),標的遺伝子数:77,標的パスウェイ数:112
Searched query = "Rett syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 36 trial found

162. 類天疱瘡(後天性表皮水疱症を含む。) [臨床試験数:70,薬物数:117(DrugBank:46),標的遺伝子数:30,標的パスウェイ数:128
Searched query = "Pemphigoid", "Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 70 trial found

171. ウィルソン病 [臨床試験数:50,薬物数:59(DrugBank:17),標的遺伝子数:3,標的パスウェイ数:28
Searched query = "Wilson disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 50 trial found

206. 脆弱X症候群 [臨床試験数:98,薬物数:73(DrugBank:27),標的遺伝子数:46,標的パスウェイ数:57
Searched query = "Fragile X syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 98 trial found

222. 一次性ネフローゼ症候群 [臨床試験数:234,薬物数:241(DrugBank:78),標的遺伝子数:59,標的パスウェイ数:185
Searched query = "Primary nephrotic syndrome", "Minimal change nephrotic syndrome", "MCNS", "Membranous nephropathy", "Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis", "FSGS", "Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis", "MPGN"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 234 trial found

224. 紫斑病性腎炎 [臨床試験数:10,薬物数:41(DrugBank:19),標的遺伝子数:15,標的パスウェイ数:56
Searched query = "Purpura nephritis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 10 trial found

225. 先天性腎性尿崩症 [臨床試験数:12,薬物数:45(DrugBank:17),標的遺伝子数:30,標的パスウェイ数:63
Searched query = "Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus", "Hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus", "Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: 03/15/2021. Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
1 / 12 trial found
31/07/201306/09/2012A diminished concentrating ability of the kidneys due to lithium prescription: how many and whom is affected?Evaluation of urinary concentrating defects in lithium treated patients with a dDAVP test - Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) in lithium treated patients lithium-induced urinary concentrating defects (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus)
MedDRA version: 15.0;Level: LLT;Classification code 10050501;Term: Lithium toxicity;System Organ Class: 10022117 - Injury, poisoning and procedural complications
MedDRA version: 15.0;Classification code 10012600;Term: Diabetes insipidus nephrogenic;System Organ Class: 10038359 - Renal and urinary disorders;Therapeutic area: Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18]
Trade Name: Desmopressine nasal spray 10 mg/ml, flacon 60 doses
Product Name: Desmopressine nasal spray 10 mg/ml, flacon 60 doses
Product Code: SUB21605
INN or Proposed INN: desmopressin acetate trihydrate
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical CentreNULLAuthorised-recruitment may be ongoing or finishedFemale: yes
Male: yes

227. オスラー病 [臨床試験数:49,薬物数:69(DrugBank:21),標的遺伝子数:23,標的パスウェイ数:132
Searched query = "Osler disease", "Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia", "Osler-Weber-Rendu disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 49 trial found

235. 副甲状腺機能低下症 [臨床試験数:67,薬物数:112(DrugBank:24),標的遺伝子数:4,標的パスウェイ数:5
Searched query = "Hypoparathyroidism", "Accessory thyroid hypergasia disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 67 trial found

265. 脂肪萎縮症 [臨床試験数:109,薬物数:164(DrugBank:59),標的遺伝子数:26,標的パスウェイ数:94
Searched query = "Lipodystrophy", "Berardinelli-Seip syndrome", "Lawrence syndrome", "Barraquer-Simons syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 109 trial found

288. 自己免疫性後天性凝固因子欠乏症[自己免疫性出血病XIII (~2017.3)] [臨床試験数:189,薬物数:219(DrugBank:29),標的遺伝子数:18,標的パスウェイ数:26
Searched query = "Autoimmune acquired coagulation factor deficiency", "Coagulation factor deficiency", "Factor XIII deficiency", "Factor VIII deficiency", "Acquired hemophilia A", "von Willebrand Disease", "Factor V deficiency"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 189 trial found

298. 遺伝性膵炎 [臨床試験数:93,薬物数:168(DrugBank:51),標的遺伝子数:48,標的パスウェイ数:134
Searched query = "Hereditary pancreatitis", "Chronic pancreatitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 93 trial found

299. 嚢胞性線維症 [臨床試験数:1,592,薬物数:1,539(DrugBank:255),標的遺伝子数:81,標的パスウェイ数:162
Searched query = "Cystic fibrosis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 1,592 trial found