[11c]-methionine    (DrugBank: Methionine)

7 diseases
93原発性胆汁性胆管炎[原発性胆汁性肝硬変 (~2017.3)]0

34. 神経線維腫症 [臨床試験数:120,薬物数:182(DrugBank:72),標的遺伝子数:84,標的パスウェイ数:194
Searched query = "Neurofibromatosis", "NF1", "von Recklinghausen disease", "NF2"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 120 trial found

75. クッシング病 [臨床試験数:191,薬物数:172(DrugBank:48),標的遺伝子数:61,標的パスウェイ数:121
Searched query = "Cushing disease", "Cushing"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 191 trial found

84. サルコイドーシス [臨床試験数:143,薬物数:221(DrugBank:79),標的遺伝子数:82,標的パスウェイ数:165
Searched query = "Sarcoidosis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 143 trial found

93. 原発性胆汁性胆管炎[原発性胆汁性肝硬変 (~2017.3)] [臨床試験数:230,薬物数:215(DrugBank:51),標的遺伝子数:34,標的パスウェイ数:107
Searched query = "Primary biliary cholangitis", "Primary biliary cirrhosis", "PBC"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 230 trial found

229. 肺胞蛋白症(自己免疫性又は先天性) [臨床試験数:35,薬物数:30(DrugBank:8),標的遺伝子数:3,標的パスウェイ数:12
Searched query = "Autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis", "Congenital pulmonary alveolar proteinosis", "Hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis", "Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis", "PAP"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 35 trial found

298. 遺伝性膵炎 [臨床試験数:93,薬物数:168(DrugBank:51),標的遺伝子数:48,標的パスウェイ数:134
Searched query = "Hereditary pancreatitis", "Chronic pancreatitis"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 93 trial found

300. IgG4関連疾患 [臨床試験数:31,薬物数:33(DrugBank:16),標的遺伝子数:11,標的パスウェイ数:81
Searched query = "IgG4-related disease", "Autoimmune pancreatitis", "IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis", "IgG4-related lacrimal gland, orbital, and salivary gland lesions", "IgG4-related kidney disease"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 31 trial found