Fostamatinib disodium (r935788) (DrugBank: Fostamatinib)
4 diseases告示番号 | 疾患名(ページ内リンク) | 臨床試験数 |
46 | 悪性関節リウマチ | 3 |
49 | 全身性エリテマトーデス | 1 |
61 | 自己免疫性溶血性貧血 | 0 |
66 | IgA腎症 | 0 |
No. | TrialID | Date_ enrollment | Date_ registration | Public_title | Scientific_title | Condition | Intervention | Primary_ sponsor | Secondary_ sponsor | Recruitment_ Status | Inclusion_ agemin | Inclusion_ agemax | Inclusion_ gender | Target_ size | Phase | Countries |
1 | NCT00805467 ( | August 2008 | 5/12/2008 | Open-Label, Multicenter Extension Study for Patients Completing Treatment Phase of a Rigel-Sponsored R935788 Studies | An Open-Label, Multicenter Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety of R935788 in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Have Completed the Treatment Phase of a Rigel-Sponsored R935788 Study | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Drug: Fostamatinib Disodium (R935788) | AstraZeneca | NULL | Terminated | 18 Years | N/A | All | 624 | Phase 2 | United States;Belgium;Bulgaria;Colombia;France;Germany;Italy;Mexico;Peru;Poland;Romania |
2 | NCT00665925 ( | May 2008 | 22/4/2008 | Efficacy and Safety Study of R935788 Tablets to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis | A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Dose Study of Two Doses of R935788 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Failing to Respond to Methotrexate | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Drug: Fostamatinib disodium (R935788);Drug: Placebo | Rigel Pharmaceuticals | NULL | Completed | 18 Years | N/A | All | 457 | Phase 2 | United States;Bulgaria;Colombia;Mexico;Poland;Romania;Israel |
3 | NCT00665626 ( | May 2008 | 22/4/2008 | Efficacy and Safety Study of R935788 Tablets to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis (Taski-3) | A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Dose Study of R935788 in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Have Failed at Least One Biologic | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Drug: Fostamatinib disodium (R935788);Drug: Placebo | Rigel Pharmaceuticals | NULL | Completed | 18 Years | N/A | All | 219 | Phase 2 | United States;Belgium;Colombia;France;Germany;Italy;Peru;Brazil |
No. | TrialID | Date_ enrollment | Date_ registration | Public_title | Scientific_title | Condition | Intervention | Primary_ sponsor | Secondary_ sponsor | Recruitment_ Status | Inclusion_ agemin | Inclusion_ agemax | Inclusion_ gender | Target_ size | Phase | Countries |
1 | NCT00752999 ( | November 2008 | 15/9/2008 | Efficacy and Safety Study of R935788 Tablets to Treat Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Dose Study of R935788 in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients With Active Disease | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | Drug: Fostamatinib Disodium (R935788);Drug: Placebo | Rigel Pharmaceuticals | NULL | Withdrawn | 18 Years | N/A | Both | 0 | Phase 2 | NULL |