Intraarticular injection ( DrugBank: - )

1 disease

46. 悪性関節リウマチ

臨床試験数 : 4,325 薬物数 : 2,671 - (DrugBank : 417) / 標的遺伝子数 : 187 - 標的パスウェイ数 : 224
02/10/202002/10/2020Certolizumab Pegol treatment with Reducing and stoppIng MEthotrexate in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in stable low disease activity-stateCertolizumab Pegol treatment with Reducing and stoppIng MEthotrexate in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in stable low disease activity-state - PRIMERA study Rheumatoid arthritis1) MTX*
- Continued group:
Continued at a stable dose and interval throughout the cours of the study.
Folic acid is continued if concomitantly used.
- Withdrawn group:
Week 0 to 12
Reduced after registration.
The dose of MTX is reduced to half, regardless of the initial dose.
Folic acid is continued if concomitantly used.
Week 12 to 52
Discontinued if low disease activity was maintained.
Folic acid is discontinued if concomitantly used.
*The allowable range of adherence is -20% to +20%.

2) CZP and csDMARDs other than MTX
Continued at a stable dose and interval throughout the course of the study in both groups.

3) Glucocorticoids
Continued at a stable dose up to week 36, and allowedto taper after week 36 in both group.

4) Rescue treatment
One or more of the following rescue treatments are performed if the CDAI score was >10 and at the discretion of the investigator and/or upon patient request.
- Restoring, restarting, or increasing doses of MTX
- Increasing doses of or adding csDMARDs other than MTX.
- Increasing doses of or adding glucocorticoids
- Drainage of synovial fluid.
- Administering an intraarticular injection of corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, or lidocaine.
Kojima ToshihisaNULLRecruiting>= 20age oldNot applicableBoth114N/AJapan
09/03/202009/03/2020PRECIOUS-B studyPatient REported, Clinical, and Imaging OUtcomes of tapering methotrexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Stable low disease activity with Baricitinib - PRECIOUS-B study Rheumatoid arthritis1) MTX*
Week 0 to 12
- Reduced after registration.
- The dosing frequency of MTX is decreased from weekly to biweekly without a change in dose, regardless of the initial dose.
- The dosing frequency of folic acid is decreased from weekly to biweekly without a change in dose if concomitantly used.
Week 12 to 52
- Discontinued if low disease activity was maintained.
- Folic acid is discontinued if concomitantly used.
*The allowable range of adherence is -20% to +20%.

2) BAR
- Continued at a stable dose and interval throughout the course of the study.

3) csDMARDs other than MTX
- Continued at a stable dose and interval throughout the course of the study.

4) Glucocorticoids
- Continued at a stable dose up to week 36, and allowed to taper after week 36.

5) Rescue treatments
One or more of the following rescue treatments are performed if the CDAI score was >10 and at the discretion of the investigator and/or upon patient request
- Changing the dosing frequency back to weekly administration, restarting, or increasing doses of MTX.
- Increasing doses of or adding csDMARDs other than MTX.
- Increasing doses of or adding glucocorticoids.
- Drainage of synovial fluid.
- Administering an intraarticular injection of corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, or lidocaine.
Takahashi NobunoriNULLRecruiting>= 20age oldNot applicableBoth51N/AJapan
13/10/201607/03/2019T-ReX studyTocilizumab treatment with Reducing and stopping methotreXate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in stable low disease activity-state - T-ReX study Rheumatoid arthritisAt week 0, the dosing frequency of MTX was decreased from weekly to biweekly without a change in dose, regardless of the initial dose. At week 12, MTX was discontinued if low disease activity was maintained. TCZ and csDMARDs other than MTX were continued at a stable dose and interval throughout the course of the study. Glucocorticoids were continued at a stable dose up to week 36, and allowed to taper after week 36. The use of oral analgesics (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, pregabalin, and tramadol) was not prohibited during the study period. One or more of the following rescue treatments were performed if the CDAI score was >10 and at the discretion of the investigator and/or upon patient request: changing the dosing frequency back to weekly administration, restarting, or increasing doses of MTX; increasing doses of or adding csDMARDs other than MTX or glucocorticoids; and administering an intraarticular injection of corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, or lidocaine.Kojima ToshihisaNULLComplete>= 20age oldNot applicableBoth51N/AJapan
July 200420/7/2007Monoarticular Corticosteroid Injection Versus Systemic Administration in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis PatientsMonoarticular Corticosteroid Injection Versus Systemic Administration in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled StudyRheumatoid ArthritisDrug: intraarticular injectionFederal University of São PauloNULLCompleted18 Years65 YearsBoth60Phase 2Brazil