102. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome Disease details / Clinical trials / Drug dev / DR info

Clinical trials : 3 Drugs : 5 - (DrugBank : 1) / Drug target genes : 7 - Drug target pathways : 17

Drugs and their primary sponsors and trial info
Culture of lymphoblastoid line from blood sample   
   University Hospital, Bordeaux
      2019   -   NCT04122742   France;
   CHU de bordeaux
      -   Phase 2   EUCTR2011-003784-30-FR   France;
Skin biopsy for the primary fibroblast culture and a 15 ml blood sample (3 unnamed samples of 5ml) in each of the 4 SRT patients included.   
   University Hospital, Bordeaux
      2019   -   NCT04122742   France;
Sodium valproate   
   University Hospital, Bordeaux
      2012   Phase 2   NCT01619644   France;