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KEGG GENES KEGG DRUG DrugBank 指定難病告示番号
1 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D07662 💬 Cetirizine 4件: 13, 28, 35, 300 💬
2 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D07398 💬 Chlorpheniramine 1件: 14 💬
3 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D03535 💬 Clemastine 1件: 13 💬
4 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D03693 💬 Desloratadine 1件: 13 💬
5 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D07803 💬 Dexchlorpheniramine 2件: 13, 49 💬
6 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D00300 💬 Diphenhydramine 8件: 11, 13, 49, 51, 70, 86, 222, 256 💬
7 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D07875 💬 Doxepin 1件:  6  💬
8 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D07958 💬 Fexofenadine 2件: 13, 46 💬
9 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D07402 💬 Levocetirizine 1件: 61 💬
10 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D00364 💬 Loratadine 4件: 13, 46, 89, 98 💬
11 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D00494 💬 Promethazine 1件: 96 💬
12 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HRH1 💬 D07407 💬 Rupatadine 1件: 46 💬
13 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
4件: HRH1, HTR2A, HTR2B, HTR2C 💬 D00270 💬 Chlorpromazine 1件: 254 💬
14 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
4件: HRH1, HTR2A, HTR2B, HTR2C 💬 D00454 💬 Olanzapine 2件:  2 ,  8  💬
15 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2A 💬 D01164 💬 Aripiprazole 2件:  6 , 206 💬
16 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2A 💬 D09997 💬 Cariprazine 1件: 21 💬
17 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2A 💬 D00274 💬 Cisapride 1件: 13 💬
18 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2A 💬 D02092 💬 Cisapride 1件: 13 💬
19 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2A 💬 D09645 💬 Nelotanserin 1件:  6  💬
20 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2A 💬 D08456 💬 Quetiapine 2件:  6 , 13 💬
21 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2A 💬 D00426 💬 Risperidone 5件:  8 , 156, 179, 187, 206 💬
22 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
3件: HTR2A, HTR2B, HTR2C 💬 D02666 💬 Iloperidone 1件:  6  💬
23 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
3件: HTR2A, HTR2B, HTR2C 💬 D08626 💬 Trazodone 1件:  2  💬
24 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
2件: HTR2A, HTR2C 💬 D00283 💬 Clozapine 1件:  6  💬
25 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
2件: HTR2A, HTR2C 💬 D07945 💬 Fenfluramine 4件: 140, 144, 145, 149 💬
26 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: HTR2C 💬 D02578 💬 Agomelatine 1件:  6  💬
27 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: IL1B 💬 D09315 💬 Canakinumab 10件: 46, 56, 84, 106, 107, 108, 113, 266, 267, 269 💬
28 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: IL1B 💬 D09911 💬 Gevokizumab 4件: 41, 50, 56, 269 💬
29 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: IL1B 💬 D01583 💬 Pirfenidone 11件: 13, 34, 46, 50, 51, 58, 84, 85, 164, 222, 228 💬
30 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: IL1B 💬 D06635 💬 Rilonacept 4件: 51, 106, 107, 266 💬
31 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: IL1R1 💬 D02934 💬 Anakinra 18件:  2 , 13, 15, 28, 37, 41, 46, 49, 50, 56, 65, 84, 86, 97, 106, 107, 266, 299 💬
32 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
4件: MAPK11, MAPK12, MAPK13, MAPK14 💬 D09639 💬 Losmapimod 2件: 113, 222 💬
33 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
4件: MAPK11, MAPK12, MAPK13, MAPK14 💬 D10959 💬 Neflamapimod 1件:  8  💬
34 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: NGF 💬 D09387 💬 Tanezumab 2件: 226, 298 💬
35 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: PIK3CA 💬 D11011 💬 Alpelisib 1件: 138 💬
36 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
3件: PIK3CA, PIK3CB, PIK3CD 💬 D11158 💬 Leniolisib 2件: 53, 65 💬
37 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: PIK3CD 💬 D11437 💬 Parsaclisib 3件: 35, 53, 61 💬
38 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: PRKCB 💬 D11935 💬 Enzastaurin 1件: 168 💬
39 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
4件: PRKCD, PRKCE, PRKCH, PRKCQ 💬 D09671 💬 Sotrastaurin 1件: 97 💬
40 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
2件: PTGER2, PTGER4 💬 D00419 💬 Misoprostol 3件: 46, 70, 271 💬
41 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: SRC 💬 D03252 💬 Bosutinib 2件:  2 , 67 💬
42 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: SRC 💬 D03658 💬 Dasatinib 2件: 51, 85 💬
43 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: SRC 💬 D06414 💬 Dasatinib 2件: 51, 85 💬
44 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: SRC 💬 D09664 💬 Saracatinib 3件:  6 , 89, 272 💬
45 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 💬
1件: TRPV1 💬 D00250 💬 Capsaicin 3件:  6 , 86, 226 💬