70. 広範脊柱管狭窄症 Spinal stenosis Clinical trials / Disease details
臨床試験数 : 95 / 薬物数 : 169 - (DrugBank : 61) / 標的遺伝子数 : 68 - 標的パスウェイ数 : 90
No. | TrialID | Date_ enrollment | Date_ registration | Public_title | Scientific_title | Condition | Intervention | Primary_ sponsor | Secondary_ sponsor | Recruitment_ Status | Inclusion_ agemin | Inclusion_ agemax | Inclusion_ gender | Target_ size | Phase | Countries |
1 | JPRN-UMIN000005959 | 2010/11/04 | 12/07/2011 | Prospective clinical study of the therapeutic effects of prostaglandin in patients with combined lumbar spinal stenosis and arteriosclerosis obliterans showing intermittent claudication | Prospective clinical study of the therapeutic effects of prostaglandin in patients with combined lumbar spinal stenosis and arteriosclerosis obliterans showing intermittent claudication - Clinical study on therapeutic effects of prostaglandin in patients with combined lumbar spinal stenosis and arteriosclerosis obliterans | Patients with combined lumbar spinal stenosis and arteriosclerosis obliterans | Prostaglandin for injection (alprostadil) group: 60 mcg of prostaglandin for injection is intravenously administered once a week or more. This therapy is repeated 10 times or more. Ripple injection (alprostadil Injection) group: 10 mcg of ripple injection is administered intravenously once a week or more. This treatment is repeated 10 times or more. Conventional treatment group | Tokai University HospitalDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery | NULL | Complete: follow-up complete | 20years-old | Not applicable | Male and Female | 300 | Not selected | Japan |