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87 / 17,542 descriptions

No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 2  6r-bh4  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [3] 86, 124, 240 💬 
 3  Amino acids  Amino acids  [3] 70, 240, 298 💬 
 4  Behavioral: neuro-psychological assessment  [1] 240 💬 
 5  Behavioral: phenylalanine restricted diet  Phenylalanine  [1] D00021 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 6  Behavioral: restricted phenylalanine diet  Phenylalanine  [1] D00021 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 7  Bh4  [5] 51, 86, 124, 240, 299 💬 
 8  Bmn 165  [1] 240 💬 
 9  Bmn 165 (ravpal-peg)  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 10  Bmn 307  [1] 240 💬 
 11  Bmn165 20mg/day  [1] 240 💬 
 12  Bmn165 40mg/day  [1] 240 💬 
 13  Cdx  [3] 222, 223, 240 💬 
 14  Cdx 6114  [1] 240 💬 
 15  Cnsa-001  [1] 240 💬 
 16  Cohort 1 0.225g  [1] 240 💬 
 17  Cohort 2 0.75g  [1] 240 💬 
 18  Cohort 3 2.25 g  [1] 240 💬 
 19  Corn  Corn  [2] 46, 240 💬 
 20  Corn/soy oil  Corn  [1] 240 💬 
 21  Diagnostic test: whole body phe oxidation testing  [1] 240 💬 
 22  Diet  [3] 97, 240, 299 💬 
 23  Dietary supplement for pku patients  [1] 240 💬 
 24  Docosahexaenoic acid  Doconexent  [7]  6 , 49, 90, 94, 240, 299, 301 💬 
 25  Free amino acids intake  Amino acids  [1] 240 💬 
 26  Glycomacropeptide-based protein substitute  [1] 240 💬 
 27  High oleic sunflower oil  Sunflower oil  [1] D09006 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 28  Immunosuppression  [1] 240 💬 
 29  Kuvan  [1] 240 💬 
 30  Kuvan 100mg soluble tablet  [1] 240 💬 
 31  Kuvantm therapy  [1] 240 💬 
 32  Kuvan®  [1] 240 💬 
 33  Kuvan® (sapropterin dihydrochloride)  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 34  Large neutral amino acid therapy  [1] 240 💬 
 35  Low calorie protein substitute  [1] 240 💬 
 36  Microalgal oil  [1] 240 💬 
 37  Moxifloxacin  Moxifloxacin  [2] D00874, D08237 💬  [8]  2 ,  6 , 46, 49, 85, 86, 240, 299 💬 
 38  N.a.  [10]  3 ,  6 ,  8 , 13, 46, 96, 97, 240, 256, 271 💬 
 39  Nap  [2] 96, 240 💬 
 40  Other: diet  [1] 240 💬 
 41  Other: diet treatment  [1] 240 💬 
 42  Other: liver evaluation  [1] 240 💬 
 43  Other: meal challenge  [1] 240 💬 
 44  Other: normal (control) diet  [1] 240 💬 
 45  Other: phenylalanine (phe)-restricted diet  Phenylalanine  [1] D00021 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 46  Other: routine  [1] 240 💬 
 47  Palynziq  [1] 240 💬 
 48  Peg  [9]  6 , 13, 46, 65, 78, 96, 97, 240, 299 💬 
 49  Pegvaliase  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 50  Phe  [2] 75, 240 💬 
 51  Phenoptin  [2] 124, 240 💬 
 52  Phenylalanine  Phenylalanine  [1] D00021 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 53  Phenylalanine restricted diet  Phenylalanine  [1] D00021 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 54  Phenylalanine-free protein substitute in tablet form (xphe minis)  Phenylalanine  [1] D00021 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 55  Phenylalanine-free protein substitute tablets  Phenylalanine  [1] D00021 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 56  Phenylketonuria-type diet  [1] 240 💬 
 57  Pku explore  [1] 240 💬 
 58  Pku sphere  [1] 240 💬 
 59  Pku start  [1] 240 💬 
 60  Procedure: hepatocyte transplant  [1] 240 💬 
 61  Procedure: liver biopsy  [3] 171, 231, 240 💬 
 62  Protein intake  [1] 240 💬 
 63  Radiation: preparative radiation therapy  [1] 240 💬 
 64  Ravpal-peg  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 65  Ravpal-peg 0.001 mg/kg  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 66  Ravpal-peg 0.003 mg/kg  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 67  Ravpal-peg 0.01 mg/kg  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 68  Ravpal-peg 0.03 mg/kg  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 69  Ravpal-peg 0.1 mg/kg  Pegvaliase  [1] D11077 💬  [1] PAH 💬  [5] Biosynthesis of amino acids, Folate biosynthesis, Metabolic pathways, Phenylalanine metabolism, Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis  [1] 240 💬 
 70  Rtx  [4] 11, 65, 222, 240 💬 
 71  Rtx-134  [1] 240 💬 
 72  Sapropterin  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [3] 86, 124, 240 💬 
 73  Sapropterin (kuvan)  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 74  Sapropterin dihydrochloride  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 75  Sapropterin dihydrochloride, 6r-bh4, tetrahydrobiopterin  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 76  Sapropterin dihydrocholoride  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 77  Sapropterin hydrochloride  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 78  Sapropterin, sapropterin dihydrochloride  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 79  Sapropterin, sapropterin hydrochloride  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 80  Sapropterindihydrochloride  [1] 240 💬 
 81  Saproterin dihydrochloride  [1] 240 💬 
 82  Sunflower oil  Sunflower oil  [1] D09006 💬  [3] 46, 240, 299 💬 
 83  Synb1618  [1] 240 💬 
 84  Synergy  [1] 240 💬 
 85  T1401  [1] 240 💬 
 86  Tetrahydrobiopterin  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 
 87  Tetrahydrobiopterin (bh4)  Sapropterin  [1] D08505 💬  [1] 240 💬 

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