Drug Description in Trials / DrugBank / KEGG DRUG

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No. 薬物名(臨床試験情報から抽出) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY 指定難病告示番号
12 ml of whole blood sample will be collected on EDTA tube1件: Edetic acid8件: D00052 ,
D00571 ,
D01802 ,
D03943 ,
D03944 ,
D03945 ,
D03946 ,
--1件: 51
2A multicenter access and distribution protocol for unlicensed cryopreserved cord blood units (CBUs)----1件: 60
3ADA Umbilical Cord Blood Cells----1件: 65
4Allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell----1件: 65
5Anti-blood dendritic cell antigen 2----1件: 49
6Autologous (self) mononuclear cells derived from umbilical cord blood----1件: 211
7Autologous CD34-selected peripheral blood stem cells transplant----1件: 96
8Autologous Human Placental Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells----1件: 211
9Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation----8件: 28, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 283
10Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood----2件: 211, 294
11Behavioral: Withings Blood Pressure Monitor1件: Methamidophos---1件: 113
12Blood----1件: 46
13Blood analysis----1件: 6
14Blood and stools samples----1件: 96
15Blood coagulation Factor VIII and vWF, human1件: Beroctocog alfa---1件: 288
16Blood coagulation factor XIII1件: Factor XIII (human)---1件: 51
17Blood collection----2件: 229, 271
18Blood Collection for PK Testing (15 Mins Before Injection)----1件: 46
19Blood Collection for PK Testing (15 minutes post injection)----1件: 46
20Blood Collection for PK Testing (18-20 hours post injection)----1件: 46
21Blood Collection for PK Testing (180 minutes post injection)----1件: 46
22Blood Collection for PK Testing (60 minutes post injection)----1件: 46
23Blood Collection for PK Testing (after injection)----1件: 46
24Blood draw----5件: 6, 19, 65, 231, 299
25Blood draw for the laboratory assessment----1件: 303
26Blood draw.----2件: 231, 299
27Blood draws----1件: 78
28Blood pressure----1件: 84
29Blood sample----18件: 8, 13, 46, 49, 51, 53, 61, 65, 66, 84, 96, 97, 107, 127, 235, 274, 288, 299
30Blood sample and environmental survey----1件: 2
31Blood sample collection----1件: 85
32Blood samples----9件: 13, 41, 46, 51, 61, 97, 227, 240, 271
33Blood sampling----6件: 13, 17, 19, 46, 51, 96
34Blood sampling before----1件: 78
35Blood sampling for determination of serum Zn----1件: 299
36Blood sampling from infant----3件: 46, 96, 271
37Blood sampling from mother----3件: 46, 96, 271
38Blood sampling from umbilical cord----3件: 46, 96, 271
39Blood sampling, endoscopy----1件: 97
40Blood test----6件: 36, 51, 86, 113, 162, 299
41Blood tests----2件: 46, 263
42BNP blood sample test----1件: 58
43Bone marrow or umbilical cord blood (UCG) stem cell transplantation----1件: 36
44CD34+ Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Reinfusion----1件: 49
45Collect of 10 ml of peripheric blood for DNA extraction----1件: 46
46Collection of blood and urine----1件: 25
47Collection of samples of blood and urine----1件: 167
48Cord blood----1件: 60
49Cord Blood Infusion----1件: 60
50Cord blood therapy1件: Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells---2件: 2, 6
51Cord Blood Transplant----1件: 60
52Cord Blood Units----1件: 60
53Culture of lymphoblastoid line from blood sample----1件: 102
54DEXA, blood tests, H.G.P.O, osseous age.----2件: 78, 193
55Diagnostic Test: Baseline blood tests----1件: 83
56Diagnostic Test: Blood analysis for hypercalcemia's control----1件: 18
57Diagnostic Test: blood drawing in healthy controls----1件: 65
58Diagnostic Test: blood drawing in patients with WAS----1件: 65
59Diagnostic Test: blood sample , doppler of uterine vessel and placenta----1件: 288
60Diagnostic Test: Blood test----1件: 75
61Diagnostic Test: Other exploratory blood biomarkers----1件: 298
62Diagnostic Test: Postoperative laboratory blood tests at 24 hour----1件: 235
63Diagnostic Test: Postoperative laboratory blood tests at 6 hour----1件: 235
64Diagnostic Test: Preoparative blood laboratory tests----1件: 235
65Donor peripheral blood stem cells.----1件: 65
66Dried blood spot (DBS) sampling----1件: 19
67Extra blood draw samples----1件: 300
68Genetic: Blood draw for optional genetic exome sequencing----3件: 3, 15, 256
69Genetic: Blood or Saliva Sample Collection----1件: 299
70Genetically modified autologous blood stem cells----1件: 65
71Human Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells----1件: 36
72Humanised IgG1 monoclonal antibody against blood dendritic cell antigen 2----1件: 49
73In vitro-treated peripheral blood stem cell transplantation----2件: 60, 65
74One additional blood sample during a planned blood test----1件: 266
75Other: Blood analysis for frataxin's level measurement----1件: 18
76Other: Blood collection for measurement of eculizumab peak concentrations1件: Eculizumab1件: D03940 1件: C5 💬10件: Alcoholic liver disease, Complement and coagulation cascades, Coronavirus disease - COVID-19, Herpes simplex virus 1 infection, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Neutrophil extracellular trap formation, Pertussis, Prion disease, Staphylococcus aureus infection, Systemic lupus erythematosus 💬1件: 62
77Other: Blood drawing only Group C----1件: 49
78Other: Blood draws----3件: 49, 51, 85
79Other: Blood glucose results1件: Dextrose, unspecified form (Synonym: Blood Pack Unit Cpd)---1件: 299
80Other: blood sample----1件: 299
81Other: Blood sample and cotton skin swabs1件: Cotton---1件: 162
82Other: Blood samples----1件: 93
83Other: Blood sampling for Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) analysis----1件: 65
84Other: Blood test----2件: 83, 96
85Other: Blood-flow restricted training----1件: 15
86Other: BMI greater than or equal to 30kg/m2 scheduled for PSG. Undergo blood draw (arterial blood gas and metabolic panel) and data collection from PSG study.----1件: 230
87Other: BMI greater than or equal to 30kg/m2 scheduled for PSG. Undergo blood draw (venous blood gas and metabolic panel) and data collection from PSG study.----1件: 230
88Other: collection of CSF, blood, urine, saliva----1件: 6
89Other: Dried blood spot test for MPS----1件: 19
90Other: Group B SLE one blood donation----1件: 49
91Other: Low Blood Pressure Control----1件: 67
92Other: Optional Blood-Oxygen-level Dependent functionalMRI1件: Oxygen1件: D00003 --1件: 6
93Other: Peripheral Blood Stem Cells----2件: 60, 62
94Other: Standard Blood Pressure Control----1件: 67
95Other: Transthoracic echocardiography at rest, during PLR, HG and CPX (including blood gas analysis in both groups). Additionally Fallot patients will undergo routine blood testings.----1件: 215
96Other: Use of a postpartum diary and additional blood draws----1件: 288
97Other: Use of a postpartum diary and additional blood draws.----1件: 288
98Perform blood cells and fibroblasts biochemical and immuno-labeled investigations----1件: 265
99Peripheral blood stem cell----1件: 285
100Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Infusion----1件: 96
101Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation----12件: 11, 13, 14, 28, 51, 60, 62, 65, 283, 284, 285, 286
102Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT)----1件: 60
103Peripheral Blood Stem Cells----2件: 51, 65
104Red Blood Cell Zn----1件: 299
105Skin biopsy for the primary fibroblast culture and a 15 ml blood sample (3 unnamed samples of 5ml) in each of the 4 SRT patients included.----1件: 102
106Stem Cell or Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation----1件: 326
107Subretinal injection of umbilical cord blood platelet-rich plasma (CB-PRP)----1件: 90
108Taking of blood----1件: 113
109The POP02 study is collecting bodily fluid samples (i.e., whole blood, effluent samples) of children prescribed the following drugs of interest per standard of care:----1件: 86
110Umbilical Cord Blood----1件: 60
111Umbilical Cord Blood After Myeloablative Conditioning----1件: 60
112Umbilical Cord Blood After Reduced-Intensity Conditioning----1件: 60
113Umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells----1件: 97
114Umbilical cord blood therapy1件: Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells---2件: 2, 6
115Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation----5件: 60, 65, 284, 285, 326
116Umbilical Cord Blood Unit----1件: 333
117Unrelated cord blood----1件: 65
118Unrelated Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant----1件: 19
119Venous blood sample----1件: 46
120Whole blood sample----1件: 177